Leano la Lekunutu la (


At , e fumaneha ho tsoa ho http://ses.sallyallenorganizer.com, e 'ngoe ea lintho tse ka sehlohlolong, lekunutu la ho boloka lekunutu la baeti.

Haeba u na le lipotso tse ling tsa bohlokoa u hloka tlhahisoleseling mabapi leTlhahisoleseding ea rona ea lekunutu, u se ke ua

ThisPrivacyPolicyapplicationlylyourourlineactivitiesandisvalidforvisitorstoourwebsitewitredredstothethethensdsredred / orcollectin .Thispolicyisnotappabletoanyinformationcollectedofflineorviachotherthanthiswebsite.OurIsrivate


Ha o sebedisa sebaka sa rona sa marang-rang, o teng mona Tlhahisoleseling ea

Thepersonalinformationftohouareaskedtoprovide, le mabaka ao u batlang ho fana ka ona, o tla re fa

Haeba o hokahana ka kotloloho, re ka fumana tlhahisoleseding e eketsehileng mabapi le lebitso la hau la phatlalatso, lengolo-tsoibila, nomoro ea mohala, litaba tse ka hare ho molaetsa le / kapa lintho tse ling tse u li fumanang

WhenyouregisterforanAccount, wemayaskforyourcontactinformation, ho kenyeletsoa le lintlha lebitso la lebitso, lebitso la k'hamphani, aterese, emailadress, andtelephonenumber.

Re sebelisoa joang ka tlhahisoleseling ea rona

Weetheethe Informationwecollectinvariversways, including to:


followsastandardprocedureofusinglogfiles.Thesefileslogvisitorswhentheyvisitwebsites.Allhostingcompaniesdothisandapartofhostingservices'analytics.Theinformationcollectedbylogfilesincludeinternetprotocol (IP) liaterese, browsertype, InternetServiceProvider (ISP), dateandtimestamp, a bua / exitpages, andpossiblythenumberofclicks.Thesearenotlinkedtoanyinformationthatispersonallyidentifiable.Thepurposeoftheinformationisforanalyzingtrends, administeringthesite, trackingusers'movementonthewebsite, andgatheringdemographicinformation.

Li-cookie leWebBeacons

Lebaka le leng la liwebosaete, e sebelisa li-'cookie '. Li-cookies tsena li sebelisitsoe ho etsa tlhahiso-leseling ho kenyeletsoa likhetho tsa baeti, le lipapatso tsa tsona ho etela baeti ba ka etsoang khafetsa.

Formoregeneralinformationoncookies, pleaseread.




Someofadvertisersonoursitemayusecookiesandwebbeacons.Ouradvertisingpartnersarelistedbelow.EachofouradvertisingpartnershastheirownPrivacyPolicyfortheirpoliciesonuserdata.Foreasieraccess, wehyperlinkedtotheirPrivacyPoliciesbelow.1

Tlhahiso ea BahoebiPrivacyPolicies

YoumayconsultthislisttofindthePrivacyPolicyforeachofthets Advertisingpartners of .

Mohloli oa mekhahlelo e meraro ea marang-rang e sebelisa li-cookie, JavaScript, kapaWebBeaconsthatemosaea sebelisoa ho sa tsotellehe lipapatso le li -linksthatappearon , e neng e tla fana ka li-browser.

Notethat hasnoaccesstoorcontroloverthesecookiesthat sebelisoa by the third-partyadvertisers.


'sPrivacyPolicydoesnotapply tootheradadvertisersorwebsites.

Youcanchoosetodisablecookiesythroughyourindividualbrowsereroptions.Toknowmoredetailedinfoaboutcookiemanagement withspecific web browser, it canbeoundound thebrowsers'resfreewebsites.

CCPAPrivacyRights (DoNotSellMyPersonalInformation

TlatsaCCCC, hara lintlha tse ling, Californiaconsumershavetherightightto:

Botsa likopo tsa lihlahisoa tsa lihlahisoa

Botsa kopo ea khoebo

Requestthatabusinessthatsellsconsumerdata ea botho, ha ho rekisoe lintlha tsa basebelisi ba bareki.

Haeba o etsa kopo ya rona, wehaveonemonthtorespondtoyou.Haeba o ne o ka rata ho ikoetlisa ka lits'ebeletso, ka kopo ikopanye le rona .


Re ka 'na ra etsa hore re u ele hloko ho tseba lintlha tsohle tse mabapi le ts'ireletso ea hau.

Therighttoaccess – Uena u ka botsa lipotso tsa tlhahlobo ea hau ea botho.Wemaychargeyouasmallfeeforthisservice.

Tlhahiso-leseling- O tla etsahalosaohle ka ho nepahetseng mabapi le tlhahisoleseding e nepahetseng ho lumela hore o nepile.O tla boela o qalelle litsebelitsebeletso tseo re ka li qobellang

Tekanyetso ea boleng-Oena o tla botsa lipotso mabapi le tlhaiso-leseling ea hau, maemo a tlase .

Tokisetso ea litereke tsa litoropo-O tla batlisisa litlhahlobo tsa thibelo ea tlhahiso-leseling ea hau

Tekanyetso ea kajeno ea ho etsa mosebetsi-Oa bokamoso ho etsa mosebetsi oa ho etsa lintlha tsa tlhaiso-leseling ea hau, maemo a tlase.

Tobelo ya bokgonabotelelego-O ka tlhotlheletswao ka nako ya motshegare, o ne a tlhophilwe go rulaganyediwa phuthego e nngwe, ka tlhamalalo, ka maemo aa sa itekanelang.

Haeba o etsa kopo ya rona, wehaveonemonthtorespondtoyou.Haeba o ne o ka rata ho ikoetlisa ka lits'ebeletso, ka kopo ikopanye le rona .

Tlhahisoleseling ea bana 22

Lehlakore le leng la pele la ho matlafatsa ts'ireletso bakeng sa bana ba ntse ba sebelisa inthanete.

ha e tsebe ho bokella tlhahisoleseding e mabapi le batho e ka tsebahatsangTlhahisoleseding ho tloha baneng ho isa lilemong tse 13.